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It was regretted by every Nighthawks in Osaka that club AZURE decided to shut down in February of 2014, after providing with the newest trends of not only the Music but the whole HipHop culture for almost 11years as one of the Best Night Clubs in history of Japan.

One single month was all it took for the Grand Opening of GHOST ultra lounge after a huge renovation of missed club AZURE from exterior to small details of interior. Spending an ungodly sum of money let the venue to drop LED concealed lightning in every wall inside the club and expanding VIP area with more numbers of tables to create a luxury atmosphere with real marble stone floorings. It seemed nothing was wrong with the decision of becoming a Night Club that lets people enjoy wide range of music other than HipHop back then, until loosing almost every single HipHop fans who loved club AZURE. Even after realizing numbers of mistakes that’s made, GHOST ultra lounge itself was never a mistake since they knew what to do and they were the best at it.
It took courage and was never easy but GHOST ultra lounge did whatever it takes and didn’t take so long to receive Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence 4years in a row from 2016 to 2019 after they decided to come back to their source and stick to main stream HipHop to re-brand their venue in 2015.
In December 2019, GHOST ultra lounge, again, did a major renovation. Fancy LED lights were not the only things they got rid of, but they took “ultra lounge” off of its name and became “GHOST”.
They toned down the key concept of interior and shifted to so-called, “Authentic Style”.

In April 2020, due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, GHOST announced that it would be the first nightclub in Japan to close due to the state of emergency as well as the request to refrain from holding events.
Ghost was repaired and refurbished during that holiday period, and the entrance was re-opened as a separate store.  While updating the interior, we also focused on improving our English education and service training for staff.

Corona was an unprecedented crisis for the nightclub industry, but even under these circumstances, we believe it is important to take our role as an entertainment venue seriously and continue to move forward.

As of 2022, GHOST offers a unique nightclub experience under the theme "Fusion of Street Culture and Luxury," a style that can never be imitated by anyone other than GHOST.



2014年2月、株式会社AZURE設立以前から運営していたclub AZUREが惜しむ声の大きい中、開店から10年10ヶ月で幕を閉じる。
club AZUREは日本でも屈指のHIPHOPクラブとして歴史にその名を刻む。 

2014年3月、外観・内装の全面改装を行い、店内全面の壁にLED照明、フロアには全面天然石を仕込み、豪華なVIP席を拡充。ラグジュアリーな空間となったGHOST ultra loungeを開店。
GHOST ultra loungeはそれまでのclub AZUREとは異なり、HIPHOPに限らず幅広い音楽ジャンルのクラブとしてスタートする。 
大きな総工費をかけたGHOST ultra loungeであったが、クラブシーンのトレンドを掴む一方で音楽スタイルの変化によって前club AZUREに絶大の信頼を置いていたHIPHOPファンからは、批判の声もあがるなど賛否両論であった。


2016年~2019年、Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellenceを4年連続受賞。 

2019年12月GHOST ultra loungeの店名をGHOSTに。 内装もそれまでの派手なLED照明中心の内装から重厚感のあるオーセンティックスタイルに大幅に改装。この月は再オープンから17日間のみの営業であったが、月間過去最高の集客、売上を記録する。 

2020年4月 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大に係り、日本国内では緊急事態宣言とともにイベント開催の自粛が要請され、GHOSTは国内ナイトクラブの中でもいち早く休業を発表した。


2022年現在、GHOSTの他には決して真似することの出来ないスタイル「Fusion of Street Culture and Luxury」をテーマに掲げ、GHOST独自のナイトクラブ体験を提供している。

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